Managing in Tough Times
The Risks of Getting it Wrong
There are strict requirements regarding consultation, providing relevant information and potential redeployment options before an employer can reach a decision to disestablish positions. It’s not rocket science, but it is reasonably intricate.
If the process is found to be flawed and the outcome predetermined, employers face the risk of a personal grievance (PG) claim for unfair or unjustified dismissal.
The financial risks of a PG are significant. If a claim is successful, the cost includes a minimum of three months pay, compensation for hurt and humiliation and representation costs, let alone the value of time spent by the employer.

COVID-19 Update - Alert Level Changes & Vaccines and Employment
Vaccine Certificates
Little information has been released about vaccination certificates and how this system will work when close contact businesses such as hairdressers and hospitality can reopen under the traffic light system.
What we do know is that businesses which are considered to be ‘high risk’ will be required to use the vaccine certificate system, and while the system will be optional for some other businesses, it will not be available for every business.