COVID-19 Update - Alert Levels & Vaccinations
After a total of 49 days in lockdown in Auckland, the COVID-19 elimination strategy looks to be all but abandoned.

COVID-19 Update - Wage Subsidy Declaration
Set out below is the Declaration which forms part of the COVID-19 Wage Subsidy. It is taken directly form the MSD website, however please use the Declaration posted on the website (link below) to ensure if any amendments are made, you are using the most up to date version.

Fair Pay Agreements - what they mean for New Zealand Employers
Working its way through Parliament, bearing the innocuous title of the Fair Pay Agreements Bill is legislation set to change the way employers and employees agree terms of employment in New Zealand.
In reality it is a return to compulsory sector wide bargaining where parties who negotiate terms may have little or no connection with employers and employees who are affected.